Number of Crimes

The total number of Crimes between 2010-2022 was 1205. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 21 in 2017-10. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 2 in 2012-11. There is a 950% (19) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-06 12
2022-05 9
2022-04 9
2022-03 8
2022-02 10
2022-01 7
2021-12 4
2021-11 12

Number of Reported Anti-social behaviour Crimes

Antisocial behaviour is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person' (Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003 and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011).

The total number of Crimes between 2011-2022 was 429. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 8 in 2011-08. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2012-03. There is a 700% (7) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-06 3
2022-05 1
2022-04 1
2022-02 2
2021-11 5
2021-10 1
2021-09 1
2021-08 2

Number of Reported Bicycle theft Crimes

A person commits bicycle theft if, without consent of the owner or other lawful authority, they take a pedal cycle for their own or another's use, or ride a pedal cycle knowing it to have been taken without such authority.

The total number of Crimes between 2015-2022 was 4. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 2 in 2022-06. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2015-10. There is a 100% (1) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Bike theft(s)
2022-06 2
2016-03 1
2015-10 1

Number of Reported Burglarys per Year

Burglary is the act of entering another's premises without authorization in order to commit a crime, such as theft.

The total number of Crimes between 2010-2022 was 45. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 3 in 2011-02. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2010-12. There is a 200% (2) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Burglary(s)
2022-06 1
2022-04 1
2021-08 1
2021-06 1
2021-02 1
2020-10 2
2019-11 1
2019-10 2

Number of Reported Criminal Damage and Arson Crimes per Year

Property damage is damage or destruction of real or tangible personal property, caused by negligence, willful destruction, or act of nature.

The total number of Crimes between 2011-2022 was 109. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 7 in 2018-05. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2012-01. There is a 600% (6) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-06 1
2022-05 2
2022-04 3
2022-03 2
2022-02 2
2021-12 1
2021-11 1
2021-07 1

Number of Reported Drug Related Crimes per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2011-2021 was 84. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 8 in 2012-07. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2011-09. There is a 700% (7) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2021-10 2
2021-08 1
2021-05 1
2021-02 1
2020-11 1
2020-08 1
2020-07 1
2020-04 1

Number of Reported Other Crimes per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2010-2021 was 45. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 5 in 2011-07. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2011-01. There is a 400% (4) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2021-05 1
2020-12 1
2020-05 1
2019-02 5
2018-10 1
2018-03 1
2017-03 1
2017-02 1

Number of Reported Other Thefts per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2011-2022 was 105. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 4 in 2012-03. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2011-11. There is a 300% (3) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-05 2
2022-04 1
2022-03 1
2022-01 3
2021-11 1
2021-10 2
2021-09 1
2021-06 1

Number of Reported Possession of Weapons per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2013-2022 was 5. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 1 in 2013-07. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2013-07. There is a 0% (0) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-05 1
2020-11 1
2020-10 1
2013-12 1
2013-07 1

Number of Reported Public Disorder and Weapons per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2012-2013 was 3. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 2 in 2012-09. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2013-04. There is a 100% (1) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2013-04 1
2012-09 2

Number of Reported Public Order Crimes per Year

Crime which involves acts that interfere with the operations of society and the ability of people to function efficiently

The total number of Crimes between 2013-2022 was 46. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 5 in 2021-10. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2013-05. There is a 400% (4) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-06 1
2022-03 1
2022-02 2
2021-12 1
2021-10 5
2021-09 4
2021-08 2
2021-07 3

Number of Reported Robbery Crimes per Year

Crime which involves acts that interfere with the operations of society and the ability of people to function efficiently

The total number of Crimes between 2012-2018 was 3. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 1 in 2012-12. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2012-12. There is a 0% (0) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2018-12 1
2016-05 1
2012-12 1

Number of Reported Shoplifting Crimes per Year

Shoplifting is the theft of goods from an open retail establishment, typically by concealing a store item on one's person, in pockets, under clothes, or in a bag, and leaving the store without paying.

The total number of Crimes between 2012-2021 was 15. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 2 in 2017-10. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2012-01. There is a 100% (1) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2021-11 1
2020-03 1
2019-08 1
2019-03 1
2019-02 2
2018-08 1
2017-10 2
2017-09 1

Number of Reported Theft of a Person per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2016-2018 was 2. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 1 in 2016-05. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2016-05. There is a 0% (0) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2018-07 1
2016-05 1

Number of Reported Vehicle Crimes per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2011-2022 was 19. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 3 in 2019-03. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2011-03. There is a 200% (2) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-04 1
2021-06 2
2021-05 1
2020-06 1
2019-10 1
2019-03 3
2017-11 1
2017-01 1

Number of Reported Violence and Sexual Offences per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2013-2022 was 273. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 9 in 2021-07. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2014-09. There is a 800% (8) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2022-06 4
2022-05 3
2022-04 2
2022-03 4
2022-02 4
2022-01 4
2021-12 2
2021-11 4

Number of Reported Violent Offences per Year

The total number of Crimes between 2010-2012 was 18. The year with the highest number of Crimes was 3 in 2011-08. The year with the lowest number of Crimes was 1 in 2011-01. There is a 200% (2) reduction between the highest year and the lowest year.

Year Crimes
2012-12 1
2012-06 1
2012-03 1
2011-11 2
2011-10 2
2011-09 1
2011-08 3
2011-07 1
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